Senin, 02 April 2012

Last Kiss Ever

Hi there! I have a special poem and my favorite one. Check this out! ^_^

Still sitting here staring your shadow
Sometimes turn my head to the window
The rain is falling outside
And it’s killing me inside
Imagine flash back of world war two
We fight in silent like nothing to do
Count my breath taking deeply
Saying a word feel so heavy
Today will be the last kiss, last kiss ever
And I still I wish, I wish everything better
After all you will be a stranger
Oh, like we never know each other
…Last kiss ever…
Could it be back to normal again?
Control the wind and stop hurricane
The rain is falling outside
And It’s killing me inside

1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

ini keren juga klo di jadiin lagu...Last Kiss ever jdulnya...rda dpendekin dkit n di fokusin reff n bridge na....mantappppp neng....